The Sahaja Yoga Meditation Perspective
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed 21 December as World Meditation Day with the broader global objective of raising awareness about meditation and its benefits recalling the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Further, the preamble says that meditation is transcending spiritual origins to become a universal tool for personal well-being. It also focusses on the diversity of meditation types with each offering calm, clarity and balance. The International Yoga Day is one such effort to accomplish the goal of good physical and mental well-being.
What is Meditation?
The basic thing that is of utmost importance is what we understand about meditation. Is it any kind of physical action or working of the inner being? The physical action may be related with Yoga postures but how the inherent energy is tapped to achieve the ultimate objective. According to Patanjali Yoga Sutra, yama (Abstinence), niyama (Observance), asana (Posture), pranayama (Breath control), and pratyahara (Sense withdrawal) aspects constitute the ‘Sadhana Pada’ (Practice Stage) that deals with the search for reality, mostly in the form of outer practice. But dharana (Concentration), dhyana (Meditation), and samadhi (Deep Absorption), comprising the ‘Vibhuti Pada’ (Power” or Manifestation Stage) deal with both manifestation and divine glories. By this arrangement Patanjali is indicating that dharana, dhyana, and samadhi produce the actualization of spiritual realities and automatically manifest the divine glories of the spirit. According to Adishankara “even though the previous five limbs of yoga may not have been perfected, effort should be made at these three.” since these are directly related with the practice of meditation. This was in practice in several millennia but again what is meditation.
According to Gherand Samhita meditation is of three types, that is, Gross Meditation (sthula dhyana), Light-focussed Meditation (jyotirmaya dhyana) and Subtle Meditation (sukshma dhyana). Gross Meditation is that in which the attention is focussed upon the idol of the deity, Light-focussed Meditation is that in which the attention is focussed upon the radiant light (also called traatak) and Subtle Meditation is that in which thoughtless attention (Chitta Nirodh) on the Brahman is meditated upon. Gross Meditation is considered 10 times superior than the non-meditative state, whereas Light-focussed Meditation is considered 100 times higher than the Gross Meditation. But Subtle Meditation is considered 100, 000 times superior than the Light-focussed Meditation. The premise is that the energy in both Gross and Light-focussed Meditations is drawn or circulated only within the internal system of the body, whereas in the case of Subtle Meditation the inner being gets connected with the Cosmic Energy or Brahma Shakti which is an infinite source of divine energy in the universe. The best part of Subtle Meditation is that the seeker has not to give up family life and adopt ‘sanyas’ (renunciation) The state of enlightenment will happen wherever one is located as the process of entering into the yogic state is spontaneous taking place at expressing the desire within when the ‘kundalini’ rises to manifest the highest of the cosmic conscious state.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation
By now it is clear that actual ‘meditation’ is where one enters into the state of thoughtless awareness, i.e., beyond mind and is achieved by awakening the ‘kundalini’ – the residual energy of All-Pervading Power (Brahman) that created the whole universe. This works on our inner being as shown in the following Figure. Sahaja means “born with you” and Yoga means “union with the Divine.” Sahaja Yoga is a natural and spontaneous process that gently transforms us from within, enabling us to gradually manifest sublime qualities of compassion, generosity and detached, unselfish love, and live in a progressively profound state of bliss and inner peace. Sahaja Yoga involves the awakening of a subtle spiritual energy known as the Kundalini which lies dormant in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine in three-and-a-half coils. The gentle awakening of this Kundalini and the inner journey of self-discovery is known as Self- Realization or Yoga and is described in the teachings of all the religions of the world. It is a living process and a gradual transformation of our awareness, not a mental projection or a concept.
On awakening the Kundalini, the spiritual energy rises up the spinal column through the Central Channel (Sushumna Nadi) until it reaches the limbic region of the brain and pierces the fontanelle bone to integrate with the All Pervading Power. As this happens, subtle cool breeze or cool vibrations (chaitanya) can be felt coming out of the fontanelle bone as also the fingertips and on the palms of the hands. The sensation of flowing of cool breeze takes place within on our central nervous system, it is for this reason that Sahaja Yoga cannot be referred to as a blind belief. It is an experience and a scientifically provable phenomenon. When the Kundalini comes out of the fontanelle bone (seventh energy centre or chakra) the seeker experiences peace and a state of silence within called ‘thoughtless awareness’ (Nirvicharita) which marks the first stage of true meditation. Entering this state for even a few moments every day transforms all areas of our lives: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We come into harmony with the world around us and feel less affected by the ups and downs of everyday life.
Sahaja Yoga is a spiritual movement of global proportions. People from more than 140 countries around the world, from all age groups and diverse religious and social backgrounds, are united by their experience of the same inner joy and peace.
Benefits of regular Sahaja Yoga meditation
Sahaja Yoga Meditation offers numerous benefits. Some of them are mentioned below.
1. One becomes calm and unruffled. Stress and tension are reduced.
2. Physical health improves.
3. Sleep is sound and untroubled.
4. Family life and all relationships become more harmonious.
5. Bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and roving eyes drop away.
6. Deep spiritual state can be enjoyed while living the normal life of householder.
7. Through inner awareness and the Cool Breeze, we are able to know truth and guide ourselves.
8. The cool breeze or ‘vibrations’ that flow from the practicing Sahaja Yogi farmers can advantageously be used for raising the agricultural yield as high as 30% or more thereby improving their economy without spending anything.
9. Medical research carried out on Sahaja Yoga in various countries have convincingly found benefit in successful treatment of various health conditions including stress management.
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – The Founder of Sahaja Yoga
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a descendant of India’s royal Shalivahana dynasty, was born to a Christian family at Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, near the geographic center of India. She was born at noon on the Spring Equinox, March 21, 1923. She was born Self-Realized and knew from her birth that she had a unique gift which had to be made available to all mankind. Shri Mataji and her parents, Prasad Rao Salve and Cornelia Salve, played an active role in India’s fight for independence. Her father, a talented lawyer and close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India and helped write India’s first constitution. He was a renowned scholar and was fluent in 14 languages.
As a child Shri Mataji lived for a time, along with her parents, in the ashram of Mahatma Gandhi. Even at a young age, her deep wisdom and understanding was evident to the Mahatma. Shri Mataji played a courageous role as a youth leader in the fight for freedom. In 1942 she was arrested, imprisoned and tortured for her participation in Gandhi’s “Quit India” Movement.
She later studied medicine at the Christian Medical College in Lahore, in what is now Pakistan. Shortly before India’s independence, Shri Mataji married C.P. Srivastava, one of India’s most respected high-ranking civil servants. Mr. Srivastava held the post of Joint Secretary to the Office of the Indian Prime Minister, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, from 1964 to 1966. Later, he was unanimously elected for four consecutive four year terms as Secretary General of the United Nations International Maritime Organization based in London. He was knighted by the Queen of England in 1989 and received similar honors from many countries for his service. Decorated with Padma Vibhushan and numerous awards, Sir C.P. Srivastava was awarded ‘Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy award’ for excellence in Public Service & Administration by the President of India on 1st Oct’ 2005.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, affectionately known as Shri Mataji or Mother, is the first spiritual teacher in history to give en masse Self-Realization in her physical presence. Today, millions of people all over the world have experienced their spiritual ascent, described and predicted by the great prophets and saints of the past. Even more remarkably, merely holding one’s hands, palms upwards, towards a photograph of Shri Mataji is enough to grant Self-Realization, as long as there is the desire to receive it.
After fulfilling her familial duties of bringing up two daughters, Shri Mataji embarked on her spiritual mission. On May 5, 1970 she was meditating on the many problems of humanity on a lonely beach in India, when a blissful divine experience filled her whole being and she knew that the moment had come for her unique spiritual gift—the ability to give en-masse Self Realization—to be shared with the whole of humanity.
Shri Mataji began with a handful of people in India. She worked with Western seekers beginning in 1973, after her husband’s transfer to London. Very soon thousands of ordinary people in many countries were getting the blissful experience of Kundalini awakening and discovering for themselves that, using Shri Mataji’s techniques, they could also pass this experience on to others, just as one candle can be used to enlighten another.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi passed away peacefully on 23rd February, 2011 in Genoa, Italy, aged 87. Her resting place is at Nirmal Dham in Delhi.
Worldwide Recognition and Awards of Shri Mataji
1. The United Nations invited Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, to speak on how to achieve world peace for four consecutive years from 1990–1994.
2. Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize twice.
3. Russia: Appointed as Honorary Member of the Presidium of the Petrovska Academy of Art and Science at St. Petersburg, Russia in 1993. In the history of the Academy only 12 people have ever been granted this honor, Einstein being one of them.
4. Separate personal tributes paid to Shri Mataji from Claes Nobel (Grandnephew of Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Foundation) and Ayatollah Rouhani (leader of the Shia Moslems in Europe) at the Royal Albert Hall, London in 1997.
5. China: Official guest speaker at the Women’s Conference in Beijing and was official guest of the Chinese Government to speak to the people of China in 1995.
6. Italy: Shri Mataji was declared “Personality of the Year” by the Italian Govt in 1986.
7. Russia: Shri Mataji met with the head of the Russian Ministry of Health. Following this meeting Sahaja Yoga was granted full government sponsorship, including funding for promotion and scientific research.
8. Brazil: The Mayor of Brazil welcomed Shri Mataji at the airport and presented her with the key to the city, and sponsored all of her programs in 1994.
9. Canada: Postage Stamp issued in Canada recently in her honor.
10. Honorarium read into 105th Congressional Record in 1997 by Congressman Eliot Engle commending Shri Mataji for her dedicated and tireless work for humanity.
11. Cincinnati, 1992: September 10th is proclaimed as “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day.”
12. New York, 1996: September 26th is proclaimed as “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day.”
13. Philadelphia 1993: October 15th is proclaimed as “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day.”
Shri Mataji’s Contribution
1. Self-Realisation to millions around the globe during her tireless travel extending 40 years.
2. Established International Sahaja Public School at Dharamsala (HP) to impart education to international students in pure Sahaja cultural environment.
3. Established International Sahaja Yoga Research & Health Centre, Belapur, Navi Mumbai for treatment of health conditions based on Sahaja Yoga techniques.
4. Established Vishwa Nirmala Prem Ashram for orphan girl children at Greater Noida.
5. Established Kala Pratisthan at Vaitarna dedicated to the promotion of Indian Classical Music and Fine Arts.
The core point in Sahaja Yoga is Pure Love which emanates from heart with enlightened attention. There is no power greater than the power of love to unite humanity for peaceful and harmonious existence. This is absolutely in line with the enshrined charter of the United Nations like “Cultivating peace and unity through meditation” and “Good health and well-being.” As a step further in 2022, the UNESCO Body & Mind Wellness Club (UNESCO BMW) collaborated with Sahaja Yoga Meditation (SYM) to host a 9-day online event.
H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust (National Trust), New Delhi