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Öffentliche Vorträge von Shri Mataji in der Schweiz

Hôtel de la Paix – Lausanne
Demystification of False Gurus

“Today here selected subject for Me (is) to speak to you about the false gurus, how to find out who is false and who is true. It is very important because now the Judgement time, the Last Judgement has started already. This is the time it will be found out whether you have used your understanding wisely or not.“

The Blossom Time

„…I have come in this country to find out which are the banks of spirituality, how many human beings there are who are really interested in the spiritual life. In My lifetime I have seen many rich people and also I’m told this country is very much blessed by them.“


Opening of the Heart

„…Today, I am going to speak to you about something very subtle within you. Many German writers have written about the power, which sleeps within us to give us self-realization, known as Kundalini. Unfortunately, none of them had the experience of self-realization.“


1ère partie

2ème partie

3ème partie

Public Program

„Actually this is the second time I am coming to Switzerland. It’s such a beautiful country that surprisingly all the negative forces are attracted towards it and they want to spoil the beauty of the Lord.“


1ère partie

2ème partie

Get transformed

“You are all here to seek the truth. You are all the seekers of truth, but what is truth? For the truth to an ant is different from the truth to a human being. The way your consciousness expands, the truth reveals itself to you. Whatever we know through our sense organs we call it as truth but the sense organs also develop gradually as we evolve to human level.”


Temple de la Fusterie – Genève
When Christ will come

„Again, I bow today to the seekers of truth. From the very beginning, I have to say that I would like to address to all those who are really seeking the truth. I am not going just to read something to you and give My own interpretation about it. All of you have got sufficient intelligence to read any book you like and to have your own interpretation.“


Temple de la Fusterie, Genève
When Christ will come – 2ème partie

“…Also I think there are people who are already feeling vibrations. So we have people of all types. I am happy you have brought your children. Because I am very happy with the children. There are many children born who are realised souls…”


Temple de la Fusterie, Genève
Love is the solution

“When the Spirit manifests within us, then this joy becomes active within us.


History of Spiritual Seeking

“I bow to all the seekers of truth and love. There has been a great talk about truth, love and bliss so far in the history of spirituality of human beings. But it is so surprising for an outsider to see that all these religions have been separated from each other and it is impossible for them to find any common points between themselves.”


Public Program Day 1

“As I said that this is a living force within us and the living happening of the living God. As you know that living things do not have a precise time. For example, if somebody says, “Mother, I come to you tomorrow, I’ll see you there. Will you give me Realization?” I can only say, “I will try. But I can’t promise.”


Public Program Day 1

“I bow to all the seekers of truth. Every moment has got a past and a future. Everything has got a history and a future that is going to follow. Today we are here at this moment and we have to look at every problem in relation to this time. The understanding of consciousness has to be understood in all its aspect, and at this period of complete integration it is easy to relate it to every movement of our mind…”


Public Program Day 2

“I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday we saw the general aspect of Sahaja Yoga and how these modern times are connected to the future and to the past, because if it is a living process of evolution then it is a continuous process intermittent with transformations. But we human beings believe that whatever we achieve through our mental projection is the transformation.”


Talk to new sahaja yogis : Now you are not there where you were

“…And once you have found the lamp and have lightened it then you don’t have to use a lamp to see that, do you?  That lamp itself gives light.  So this must be understood logically that now you are not there where you were.  That you are at a different level and accept all the transformations as reality…“


Public Program Day 3

“Within us lies the truth, it is said in all the scriptures, where does it lie? Nobody has told so far exactly where it lies. You must have realized from Arneau’s lecture that he is Swiss, and he has become such an expert on Kundalini Yoga. There are many young people, very young, who come to Sahaja Yoga, and within a month, they can speak on truth. It is the actualization of the truth that is important.”


Public Program

“When we talk of Truth, we have to know that at the human level we try to seek Truth through our mental projection or through our emotional understanding. The other day I met the president of the Jungian Society in America and he told Me that he was sitting on a cut trunk of a tree and he just thought that, “I should try to know the roots and thus I will know the sap.” I said, “How will you know the roots when you have just mental capacity?”


The truth has two sides

“I bow to all the seekers of truth. But the truth has two sides: the illusion that we see can look like truth, and the essence of the illusion also may appear to be truth. But the other side is absolute and has to be felt, has to be experienced on your central nervous system.”


All great Incanations are just one

“I bow to all the seekers of truth. We are here to know about the truth. First through our mental understanding and then through our experience, to prove everything that you have heard so far. But the minds are very conditioned.”



Public Program

“As I told you, these are modern times. And in modern times this en masse-realisation was to take place. That was to happen. In modern times only, when people get frustrated, when they get lost, they don’t know what to do, when they are deceived and cheated, then they start looking for something that is the support. This attitude of seeking was never before so much as it is today.”


The Time of Resurrection

“I bow to all the seekers of truth. The seekers of truth is a very special category of people. They’ve existed in all the centuries before also. And you find glimpses of that in many literary work.”


You have to become a Saint

“I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday that we have to know the truth on our central nervous system. That is why in every scripture it is written that you are to be born again. You are to be born again, in the sense, a happening has to take place within you, and this happening should give you the self knowledge.”


Salles des Fêtes, Thônex
Public Program Day 1

„I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to understand that truth is what it is. We cannot organise it. We cannot regulate it and we cannot conceal it. Also, we have to realise that truth cannot be known at human awareness. Truth has no pretensions and no drama. Whatever I am going to talk to you today, you have to listen to it with a scientific mind, with an open mind.“


Université, Genève
Public Program

“I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, at the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot read about it and we cannot conceptualize it. And also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot feel it; we cannot know it. One has to rise above your physical, emotional and mental side.”


Public Program

„I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot pay for it. You cannot conceptualise it. It is an experience of truth.“